1 Bug Report For 3 Free License Keys

Sophie Luo

How would you say to 3 free individual license keys, each can be used on 3 different PCs? It seems cruel not to say yes, doesn’t it? 


Adding to the list of ways to get free Driver Easy license keys (write a review, locate miss-detected driver, and help improve translation), you have one more option now: reporting a bug


If you don’t think Driver Easy is acting right, or that you ran into some errors when testing on it, feel free to let us know by filling a bug report.


We’re grateful that you’re helping us improve Driver Easy. As mentioned, you’ll get 3 free individual license keys in return. Each of the key can be used on 3 different computers. 


All you need to do is to file a clear bug report as instructed in Report a bug page. 


We’ll review the report and get back to you as quickly as possible, along with the 3 free license keys sent to the email address you provide.  


Perform tests on Driver Easy and get your free license keys now! 

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I'm a technical writer for Driver Easy. Before finding my love for writing tech posts, I had passion for technology goes back much further. I love tinkering with computers, smartphones, and other tech toys. I write articles to help people solve their problems, whether it's a hardware issue or system error. I'm inspired when my articles are of help, and that's what I have been aiming for. All I do every day is to write articles that are easy to read, and I do hope you find instructions in my posts easy to follow.