We have discontinued the development of DriverDR. If you’re interested in our driver product, we recommend you try Driver Easy. It has more powerful features than DriverDR and can help you fix your driver issues more easily.

If you have a valid DriverDR license key, don’t worry! Your key is now compatible with Driver Easy. Just activate the Driver Easy program with the key (see the instructions below) and you’ll be able to continue using our service.

Lost your key? Go to the Resend License Key page and we’ll help you retrieve it.

To use your key to activate Driver Easy:

  1. Download and install Driver Easy.
  2. Run Driver Easy, then click the UPGRADE button.
  3. Enter your key in the box under Please enter your license key, then click the Activate button.
  4. Wait for the activation process to be complete.

That is how you can activate Driver Easy with your DriverDR key. If you need assistance, please contact Driver Easy’s support team at support@drivereasy.com.