– Release Date: 2024.07.09

  • + Added a “View All driver versions” feature
  • + Introduced relevant interfaces and interactions for the Trial version
  • * Optimized the “Driver update history” feature
  • * Improved interaction for Activation and Hardware Information interfaces
  • * Enhanced the version upgrade function of Driver Easy
  • + Implemented a click-to-copy function for error messages upon update failures
  • * Polished multi-language translations – Release Date: 2024.05.20

  • + Offered free trial of Driver Easy Pro version
  • * Re-designed UI and UX, incorporating more interactive elements, effects, colors, and buttons
  • * Enhanced Hardware Information detection with SPD identification
  • * Optimized the Offline Scan process
  • * Improved the Restore Points feature, enabling automatic system protection
  • * Upgraded Driver Update History to include drivers updated by other software
  • + Added a click-to-copy-all function to Hardware IDs and Compatible IDs
  • + Introduced a Check for Updates feature
  • + Implemented auto-saving for Settings
  • + Added a Write a Review link in Menu
  • * Moved the Technical Support window to Menu
  • * Moved Driver Update History from Menu to Tools
  • * Enabled automatic update of copyright date
  • * Polished multi-language translations
  • – Removed the Share Driver Easy and Guidebook pages
  • – Fixed several bugs and display issues – Release Date: 2023.06.12

  • * Improved the product stability – Release Date: 2023.03.13

  • * Updated .NET Framework to NET4.6
  • * Improved the interface of Update page under specific fonts
  • – Fixed Hardware Info not displaying multiple hard disks
  • * Polished the translation for Czech and Portuguese – Release Date: 2022.12.29

  • * Improved the installation process
  • * Changed the copyright to 2023
  • * Improved the Dutch translation
  • + Added version number in the upgrade prompt window in Japanese environment – Release Date: 2022.08.22

  • * Polished the translations for Korean – Release Date: 2022.05.30

  • * Polished the translation for English, Arabic and Czech
  • + Added the title for Hidden Devices list in Arabic environment
  • – Fixed some minor bugs – Release Date: 2022.01.29

  • * Improved the display for long driver descriptions
  • + Added a feature that shows the tooltip text on hovering a long driver description
  • * Improved the alignment of some icons and buttons on the Update page
  • – Fixed the device name in Driver details showing question marks in Japanese and Korean environment
  • – Fixed the main menu showing below the interface
  • – Fixed the drop-down menu not closing when deleting a downloaded driver
  • – Fixed the Up-to-date button getting cut off in Greek environment
  • * Polished the translations for French and German
  • – Fixed some minor bugs
  • * Changed the copyright date to 2022 – Release Date: 2021.08.04

  • + Added a Roll back to previous driver feature
  • + Added an Uninstall driver feature
  • * Enhanced some functions, such as adding a tick box to show hidden devices
  • * Improved the user interface for Backup and fixed some Backup bugs
  • + Added a right click copy feature to Hardware IDs and Compatible IDs
  • * Re-designed the user interface for Settings and Driver Details
  • – Fixed some minor bugs – Release Date: 2020.06.28

  • * Re-designed the user interface for some key functions
  • – Fixed two major bugs in the process of driver installation
  • * Improved the “Support” function
  • + Added a new function that allows the “Technical support” window to pop up when users click a relevant link on websites
  • * Polished the translations for French and Czech – Release Date: 2020.02.18

  • * Switch all Driver Easy links from http to https
  • * Update copyright date to 2020 – Release Date: 2019.11.11

  • + Added two new entries – Driver Update History and Version History – to the main menu
  • * Improved the description in the dialog box indicating a specific feedback error
  • * Bettered the look of WHQL certificate windows
  • – Fixed an error relating to system restore points
  • + Inserted a warning message that pops up when users try to cancel the update in the middle of a driver installation process – Release Date: 2019.07.05

  • * Improved the translations for Mandarin Chinese
  • – Fixed some minor bugs such as Index Not Found MachineGuid – Release Date: 2019.06.05

  • * Adopted a new set of pictures in the Scan panel
  • * Swapped the positions of Like Us and Feedback
  • + Added icons to identify the outdated/missing driver or unplugged device
  • + Improved the interface of the feedback feature
  • + Added Help buttons for common download errors
  • + Improved the translations for different languages, such as Czech, German and Portuguese
  • – Eliminated some minor bugs – Release Date: 2019.04.09

  • * Improved the translations for different languages, such as Danish and Spanish
  • * Made some slight changes on the interface, such as the color shades of the buttons, feature descriptions etc.
  • – Fixed some minor bugs such as unable to save proxy settings – Release Date: 2019.01.07

  • * Fine tuned the feature descriptions in the interface for more accuracy and better clarity – Release Date: 2018.12.27

  • + Added a superscript to the top right of the Update all button
  • * Revised the PC-restart reminder window
  • – Fixed some minor bugs – Release Date: 2018.10.23

  • – Fixed a bug of an error pop-up after clicking the Scan Now button – Release Date: 2018.10.15

  • + Added driver update statuses on the Update page, such as “QUEUED”, “DOWNLOADING”, and “INSTALLING”
  • * Improved the design on the Update page for the Pro version, both in the driver update control section on the top and in the progress bar
  • * Separated the devices that use the same drivers so that you can update the drivers for these devices respectively at your convenience
  • * Improved translations for the Japanese language
  • – Fixed some bugs – Release Date: 2018.09.04

  • + Added a Help button which can direct you to the troubleshooting page when you accidentally bump into the Unable to connect to the remote server error
  • * Improved the step-by-step guide of the manual driver update process in the Free version
  • – Fixed some backup bugs, including pop-up errors during a printer driver backup, message not fully shown in backup error message boxes and unable to open backup folders
  • – Fixed some other minor bugs – Release Date: 2018.07.30

  • + Added the Japanese customized version, including changing the purchase procedure and improving the Japanese translation
  • + Added the Chinese translation
  • *Changed the default open page to the Driver Backup page when clicking the Tools tab
  • – Fixed some bugs – Release Date: 2018.06.27

  • + Added the Menu button on the left of the Hardware Info page and the Tools page
  • + Added the Get pro version button on the left of the Settings page
  • + Automatically redirect to the Buy Now page in corresponding language according to the language in Driver Easy
  • * Improved the Launch screen when opening Driver Easy
  • * Improved the User Interface within Driver Easy, including the colors and the design of buttons
  • – Fixed some minor bugs – Release Date: 2018.04.13

  • + Added ‘How to Uninstall Driver Easy’ on the About page
  • * Simplified and improved the installation process
  • * Improved the Japanese and Czech translation
  • * Improved the security certified icons on the Update page
  • * Changed the icons next to the devices on the Update page
  • * Unified and improved the progress bar design
  • * Improved the design for the dialogs in the installation process
  • * Reduced the size of installation package
  • – Fixed some bugs – Release Date: 2018.03.08

  • Improved the UI design, including the style and color of some buttons and icons
  • Fixed minor bugs – Release Date: 2018.01.16

  • + Adds WHQL certification info and message so you can see that drivers we provide are safe, secure, up-to-date and compatible with Windows and all the most popular combinations of hardware and software. (More on WHQL…)
  • + Now you can export your system information (Pro version only)
  • + You can choose whether to create a scheduled task when you install Driver Easy
  • * Improves the design in the download interface
  • * Improves the compatibility on high resolution systems
  • * Improves the download percentage and file size design, so they are more pleasant to your eyes
  • * Your PC won’t go to sleep mode when Driver Easy is downloading or installing drivers for you
  • * Enhances the feedback function, so now you can send us back the base64 error report during scan
  • – Fixes a bug with the scheduled scan. So now when you disable or enable the scheduled scan, the same setting applies to your system
  • – Fixes minor bugs with the restore point function
  • – Fixes some minor errors in the Spanish version
  • – Fixes the 407 error in some proxy server settings – Release Date: 2017.12.20

  • + Driver icons in the Devices with missing driver(s) category now indicates driver types, so you can see what types of drivers are missing
  • + Shows full device name when your mouse pointer hover over the device name in the driver update list
  • +Adds the stop scanning feature, so you can stop the scanning process whenever you want
  • + The password for proxy server information is now invisible
  • * Improves the dialogue box for Driver Backup
  • – Fixes bugs with the side bar and the scan result bar display, and driver backup process
  • – Fixes bugs with the scan crash when enable the “Get driver software from Windows Update” feature – Release Date: 2017.11.15

  • * Improves scan engine so it can identify the correct driver for the same hardware with different driver information
  • * Improves the Arabic and Dutch translation
  • * Slightly improves the category design in the Update screen
  • * Improves the stability of the download speed in the Free version
  • * Download process shows 1 decimal place for you to have a clearer view of large file download progress
  • – Fixes a crash bug when only one driver update is available in the Arabic version
  • – Fixes other minor bugs – Release Date: 2017.10.10

  • + Adds “Report Bugs” option in the Menu bar so you can directly report software bugs to us
  • + Adds translation for Arabic, Greek and Czech
  • + Driver Restore icon is now clickable for you to choose driver(s) to restore
  • * Items in the Update list are sorted alphabetically for you to locate easily – Release Date: 2017.08.15

  • + Redesigns single driver update process on free version
  • + Adds single driver update instructions on the sidebar of the free version
  • * Updates certain translation in Danish and German
  • * Updates wordings in System Restore window
  • – Fixes some bugs – Release Date: 2017.07.07 – Release Date: 2017.05.18

  • + Redesigns UI for Hardware Info
  • + Adapts to screen reader
  • + Adds “Report Miss-detected Drivers” & “Improves Translation” link to menu list
  • + Updates German and Portuguese translations
  • * Improves driver scan server performance
  • * Improves create restore point logic, creates one restore point per day
  • * Standardizes all popup message designs
  • * Improves many UI & UX elements
  • – Fixes Technician License not showing full license key issue
  • – Fixes device name showing question mark (?) issue in some non-English environment
  • – Fixes some Windows 10 machines cannot create restore point issue
  • – Fixes many other minor bugs – Release Date: 2017.03.27

  • + Redesigns UI, now with flat design
  • + Rewrites Driver Backup & Driver Restore features completely
  • * Improves Feedback feature
  • * Adds Get free Ultimate Fix Guidebook (Windows 10) by sharing
  • – Fixes many minor bugs – Release Date: 2017.02.21

  • * Enhances Offline Scan feature, now supports both Ethernet & Wi-Fi devices
  • * Amends Unplugged Device notes, for easier understanding
  • * Last Scan time will automatically update
  • * Adds some missed multi-language translation
  • * Fixed some minor bugs – Release Date: 2017.01.16

  • + Add Japanese, Danish Language UI
  • + Add “Help Us Improve” link
  • * Improved Hardware Information detection
  • – Fixed “File size has changed” & “The file is damaged” during download progress
  • – Fixed some minor bugs – Release Date: 2016.12.13

  • * Improve Driver Install Engine
  • * Improve license key detection with wihtespace
  • – Fixed some minor bugs – Release Date: 2016.11.18

  • * Improve Feedback feature to enable multiline text copying and pasting
  • * Reduce software package size
  • * Improve driver installation progress
  • * Improve minor UI design
  • – Fixed some driver installation issues
  • – Fixed “Get License” not working on some computers – Release Date: 2016.10.19

  • * Improved Driver Scan Engine
  • * Improved Driver Installation Progress
  • * Improved Feedback Feature
  • – Fixed Crash Issue on Some Date/Time Format
  • – Fixed Some Translation Error in Italian Version
  • – Fixed some minor bugs – Release Date: 2016.09.19

  • + Add an option to use Windows Update drivers (Default is disabled)
  • + Allow proxy server settings in Internet Connection
  • + Add “Help” function when scan error occurs
  • * Redesign “Update All” progress bar
  • * Improved driver update animation
  • * Enhanced license input box with auto added “-“
  • * Drivers without Driver Date (Blank) show date as 0000-00-00
  • * Fixed a bug when auto launch a .zip driver file
  • * Fixed crashes when system data not in century format
  • – Fixed some minor bugs – Release Date: 2016.08.26

  • + Added playing reminder sound after finishing driver install
  • + Added System Restore button on Settings Screen
  • * Redesigned Like Us feature
  • * Fine-tuned for more User Friendly UI
  • – Fixed some minor bugs – Release Date: 2016.08.11

  • + Redesigned Scaning screen
  • + Redesigned Driver Installation Engine
  • + Add restart reminder after installed lower level driver
  • * Improved some UI animation
  • * Improved device name, shown the same as Device Manager’s
  • – Fixed some minor bugs – Release Date: 2016.07.26

  • * Improved error report feature
  • – Fixed some minor bugs – Release Date: 2016.07.22

  • + Korean Language
  • – Fixed Last Scan showing incorrect time in some case
  • – Fixed some minor bugs – Release Date: 2016.07.08

  • * Improved Driver Scan Engine
  • – Fixed some translation error
  • – Fixed some minor bugs – Release Date: 2016.06.14

  • + Dutch Language
  • – Fixed a bug during download – Release Date: 2016.05.10

  • * The “i” icon is clickable to show the driver information( In previous version you can click the device name next to the “i” icon to show the same driver information).
  • * The notification for unplugged device will always show up( In previous version it only shows up when you choose at least one unplugged device ).
  • – Remove the 3 color driver status indicator due to Symantec’s (aka Norton) false positive. The indicator is designed to help us easily identify driver status(up-to-date, out-of-date within 30 days and out-of-date). Please do not ask us why, we have tried to explain(several times), please ask Symantec, since their engineers consider the driver status indicator as a performance indicator.
  • – Fixed a date conversion bug, which cause 0.32% of drivers showing incorrect Driver Date – Release Date: 2016.04.28

  • + Add Driver Backup Feature
  • + Add Driver Restore Feature
  • * Improve Feedback Feature
  • – Fix crash on some Windows system’s bug – Release Date: 2016.04.15

  • + Multilanguage for: French, Spanish
  • * Improve Driver Install Engine
  • – Fixed Several Bugs – Release Date: 2016.04.06

  • + Multilanguage for: Italian, Portuguese
  • – Fixed Several Bugs – Release Date: 2016.04.02 (Internal Version)

  • – Fixed Several Bugs – Release Date: 2016.04.01

  • + Completely Redesigned UI
  • + Completely Rewritten Driver Scan Engine
  • + Completely Rewritten Driver Download Engine
  • + Completely Rewritten Driver Install Engine
  • + Enhanced Hardware Information
  • + One-click “Update All” Feature – Release Date: 2016.03.01

  • * Fix a bug on Feedback feature – Release Date: 2016.01.21

  • * Improve Feedback feature – Release Date: 2016.01.05

  • – Fixed 404 error when downloading some drivers – Release Date: 2015.12.30

  • – Improve Feedback feature – Release Date: 2015.12.22

  • – Fix minor bugs. – Release Date: 2015.12.18

  • * Improve Scan Engine.
  • – Fix minor bugs. – Release Date: 2015.12.16

  • * Improve Feedback function.
  • – Fix minor bugs. – (Internal Version, has not release to the public)

  • Fully rewrite the driver engine – Release Date: 2015.12.01

  • + Add Feedback function.
  • – Fix minor bugs. – Release Date: 2015.10.29

  • * 3rd improve Windows 10 driver detection.
  • – Fix “Version string is too long or too short” problem. – Release Date: 2015.08.03

  • * Keep improve Windows 10 driver detection – Release Date: 2015.07.31

  • + Add Czech language
  • * Improved Windows 10 driver detection
  • – Fixed some device name show in blank issue – Release Date: 2015.06.19

  • + Support Windows 10 – Release Date: 2015.05.12

  • – Fix an UI issue on Windows XP system – Release Date: 2015.04.02

  • + Add Reset Settings button on Settings page
  • + Add confirmation before executing uninstall driver progress
  • + Add function reminding to create Restore Point for Free version
  • * Improved driver backup function
  • – Fixed some buttons which may be invisible due to some language translation is too long
  • – Adjust some translation on German, Italian and Spanish – Release Date: 2015.01.15

  • – Fixed a driver backup issue
  • – Updated a German translation – Release Date: 2014.12.15

  • + Add a New Download Server
  • + Add Copy Function on Viewing Hardware Information
  • * Optimize Scan Engine
  • * Boost Free Version Download Speeds by up to 60% Faster
  • * Improve Installatlion Efficiency
  • * Improve Windows 8.1 Compatibility
  • – Fix Some Bugs – Release Date: 2014.11.18

  • * Improved scan engine – Release Date: 2014.10.10

  • * Improved download progress
  • – Correct several Danish translation – Release Date: 2014.09.18

  • + Add new server to improve driver scan performance – Release Date: 2014.09.09

  • * Improved driver download progress – Release Date: 2014.08.21

  • * Significantly improved the interface respond time during driver download
  • – Fixed a bug when clicking Register button on Windows 8 & 8.1
  • – Fixed other bugs – Release Date: 2014.08.12

  • + Add a link to retrieve license key during Activation
  • – Remove pop-up window to purchase page when clicking Register button – Release Date: 2014.08.05

  • * New Digital Signature to support Windows XP without Service Pack 2 – Release Date: 2014.07.11

  • * Improve Windows 8.1 Driver Identification
  • – Correct a typo issue – Release Date: 2014.06.18

  • – Fix an interface display issue – Release Date: 2014.05.29

  • + Suggest DriverEasy team’s iPhone App for whom has Apple device
  • * Improve scan logic to reduce server loading – Release Date: 2014.05.12

  • + Add silent upgrade model
  • * Improve scan progress – Release Date: 2014.04.03

  • – Fixed “MergeNewDriver” error – Release Date: 2014.02.26

  • – Correct Portuguese translation error – Release Date: 2014.01.24

  • – Fixed UI.DownloadList Bug – Release Date: 2014.01.23

  • * Improve driver backup feature, ZIP file name will add the the backup date for easy understanding – Release Date: 2013.12.25

  • * Improve driver scan engine, optimized unplugged device handling.
  • * Increase Professional version offline scan download speed.
  • – Fixed several minor bugs – Release Date: 2013.11.13

  • * Improve driver scan engine, remove duplicate record when device has been plugged into more than one slot/port. – Release Date: 2013.10.25

  • + Support Windows 8.1
  • * Improve “Auto-Installation” engine, Driver Easy can auto install more driver packages.
  • – Fix a bug when the second driver update service not correctly respond the request. – Release Date: 2013.10.09

  • * Upgrade “Auto-Installation” engine, Driver Easy can auto install more driver packages.
  • – Fix several bugs. – Release Date: 2013.08.28

  • * Improve “file damaged” error message,to make troubleshooting easily.
  • – Fix “Delete” button not correctly displaying when a driver file only download a small bytes. – Release Date: 2013.08.02

  • – Fix an auto-update bug – Release Date: 2013.06.25

  • – Fix a display error when one driver file supports both online and unplugged devices – Release Date: 2013.05.21

  • * Improve scan logic
  • – Fix a bug when scanning virtual device – Release Date: 2013.03.21

  • + Danish Interface **
  • – Fix schedule scan may not work on 64bit system issue – Release Date: 2013.02.28

  • * Improve the design of driver installation window – Release Date: 2013.02.27

  • – Fix an program installation bug on some Windows 8 system
  • * Improve the driver restore exception handling – Release Date: 2013.02.22

  • + Greek interface **
  • * Increase free version download speed – Release Date: 2012.12.18

  • – Amend an Hungarian translation – Release Date: 2012.12.13

Internal version (has not release to public). – Release Date: 2012.12.12

  • Add Chinese interface ** – Release Date: 2012.12.07

  • * Improve “Auto-Installation” logic
  • – Correct “Download All” interface when font size over 100 DPI – Release Date: 2012.11.16

Internal version (has not release to public). – Release Date: 2012.10.26

  • + Certified for Windows 8
  • + Add Italian interface **
  • + Add Arabic interface ** – Release Date: 2012.10.12

  • – Fix some bugs – Release Date: 2012.09.27

  • + Add Ukrainian translation
  • * Relocate some button location to fit new translation
  • – Fix some bugs – Release Date: 2012.08.20

  • – Correct a German translation error
  • – Update .Net Framework 2.0 download link – Release Date: 2012.07.17

  • * Improve Windows updates download performance
  • – Fix “Show All Hidden Devices Item” not working issue
  • – Fix WUA for Windows XP 64bit download link – Release Date: 2012.07.06

  • – Fix download speed not showing on 125% text size (120 DPI) – Release Date: 2012.07.03

  • – Fix an interface issue on some Windows 7 system – Release Date: 2012.07.02

  • – Fix a stop working bug on some X64 system – Release Date: 2012.06.29

  • – Reduce installation package size
  • – Fix some bugs – Release Date: 2012.06.27

  • + Add Windows Update feature
  • + Offline Scan feature
  • + Add Hungarian(Magyar) interface **
  • * Redesign user interface
  • * Improve hardware information showing
  • * Many function improvement
  • – Fix some bugs – Release Date: 2012.01.05

  • * Rewrite some scan logic. – Release Date: 2011.11.22

  • – Fix “Guid string should only contain hexadecimal characters”
  • – Fix CPU detection problem when install a new CPU – Release Date: 2011.10.31

  • + Add Spanish (Argentina) interface **
  • + Add Portuguese(Brazil) interface **
  • + Add renew license feature
  • * Improve hardware information showing
  • * Improve driver installation in x64 system
  • – Fix some bugs – Release Date: 2011.08.30

  • – Fix “Version string portion was too short or too long” bug – Release Date: 2011.07.21

  • * Adjust user interfice
  • – Fix some bugs – Release Date: 2011.07.12

  • – Fix download list present bug – Release Date: 2011.07.08

  • * Rewrite driver install, driver restore, driver uninstall code
  • * Rewrite create restore point code
  • * Improve GUI performance on old machine
  • * Improve GUI on 120DPI and 150DPI
  • – Fix many bugs
  • – Reduce the setup file size – Release Date: 2011.05.05

  • + Add Korean Interface Option ( Contact Us if you can help to improve the translation) **
  • * Redesign the Unplugged device list
  • – Removed the AD and Flash game during download drivers (We are listening your request) – Release Date: 2011.04.12

  • * Enhance driver scan engine
  • – Fix some minor bugs – Release Date: (Internal version, has not release to public)

  • * For product certification – Release Date: 2011.03.15

  • – Fix “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error – Release Date: 2011.03.08

  • + Industry first Auto-Installation feature, enable automatically install drivers which has no setup program **
  • + Add Dutch interface *
  • + Allow user to view the driver information in details, by clicking the device name at “Download” page
  • + Add Flash game while downloading large-file driver on Free version
  • * Enhance install and scan process
  • – Fix some minor bugs – Release Date: 2010.12.25

  • – Fix some translation errors in Franch interface – Release Date: 2010.12.10

  • + Add French interface *
  • * Improve Backup logic, up to 5x faster then before. **
  • – Fix some bugs – Release Date: 2010.12.02

  • * Improve scan performance. – Release Date: 2010.11.25

  • + Multi-Language Interface: English & German. **
  • + Basic Hardware Detection – Release Date: 2010.8.25

  • + Support Computer Technician License
  • * Improve driver backup logic – Release Date: 2010.8.5

  • + Add scheduled scan feature
  • * Improve unplugged device display format – Release Date: 2010.7.23

  • * Improve the installation procedure on professional version – Release Date: 2010.7.20

  • + Driver Restore Feature **
  • + Driver Uninstall Feature **
  • + Unplugged device is marked with a new indicator so it’s easy to identify.
  • + Add zip file as optional save format in Driver Backup type. **
  • * Redesign the Tools button
  • – Fix a bug when creating the restore point – Release Date: 2010.6.13

  • + Add “Hide Item” button on download page, allow user to skip some driver files, hidden item will not be shown on scan result & download page again.
  • + Add a new setting to allow user to clean the hiden item list.
  • + Add Auto Shutdown Feature**
  • * Improve the error handling on driver scan progress, user can choose to send the error report to development team.
  • * Improve the error handling on download progress, Driver Easy will atuo connect the server repeatedly to ensure the download stability.
  • – Fix 500 error about that hardware name includes some character – Release Date: 2010.6.2

  • Internal used only, has not release to the public. – Release Date: 2010.5.27

  • + Auto extract ZIP & RAR files
  • + One-Click Setup feature for ZIP or RAR driver file
  • – Open File Location button, Allow user to open the driver file folder
  • – Fix the bug on some date/time system (eg: Saudi Arabia) – Release Date: 2010.5.18

  • – Fix the bug when upgrade from 1.x – Release Date: 2010.5.10

  • * Improve stability of download management
  • * Beautify the downloading page (add background color, make some changes to items)
  • – Fix the bug that after rescanning the former downloading process would be lost – Release Date: 2010.4.23

  • + Driver backup feature **
  • + Allow user to check the installed driver file details.
  • + Allow user to direct navigate to Download page, do not need to Scan again
  • * New symbol to easy identify drivers for unknown device & drivers has not up-to-date – Release Date: 2010.3.31

  • + One click to Download All drivers **
  • + Automatically create a restore point before install the driver **
  • + Auto-Update feature, DriverEasy can automatically update when new version available
  • * Improve Report Error usability.
  • – Fix some minor bugs. – Release Date: 2010.3.18

  • + Report Error feature. An Report Error button was added for users convenience to report any possible diver error, so as to improve our product accuracy & usability
  • * Improve user interface, add class icon on Scan in Progress & Scan Summary
  • – Fix some minor compatibility bugs, Driver Easy now more stable on non-English system – reduce the setup file size to less than 1 MB – Release Date: 2010.3.5

  • * Improve system device scan logic
  • – Fix device name displayed @, % character on Windows 7 when upgrade to 1.0.4
  • – Fix the proxy configuration that needs reset again when upgrading to a new version
  • – Fix “Unable to cast object of type ‘System.Byte[]’ to type ‘System.String'” error on some non-English system – Release Date: 2010.2.23

  • – Fix “Input string was not in a correct format” error on some non-English System
  • – Fix “417 – Expection Failed” when enabled access by proxy function through some proxy server – Release Date: 2010.2.12

  • + Add internet connection setting, allow access by proxy
  • + Add news announcement feature
  • * Improves 64-bit system compatibility
  • – Fix some minor bugs

  • – Fix user interface showing incorrect issue in non-English system
  • – Fix EntryName error when getting driver information from driver database server
  • – Fix some minor bugs


  • + New fresh design’s user interface, more user friendly.
  • * Improve scan logic, more hardware will be scanned and analysis.
  • * Drivers which will be update by same file, now has been group together.
  • – User can close the program during scan in progress.
  • – Fix some minor bugs


The first public release


The latest internal test version (has not release to public).