When you try to open a program such as Adobe Illustrator or your game application, it fails, you see the A TDR has been detected error which shown like the image above instead. That could be super frustrating. But don’t panic. We’ve put together two helpful methods for you to try. Read on and find how…
Try these fixes:
What you might concern…
If you’re curious about what TDR is in the error ‘A TDR has been detected’, here’s the answer:
Your Windows operating system attempts to detect situations in which your computer appears to be completely frozen and then attempts to dynamically recover from the frozen situations so that your desktop is able to respond again. This process of detection and recovery is so-called TDR (Timeout Detection and Recovery).
When you’re seeing the error saying “A TDR has been detected”, probably the TDR timeout was exceeded. Try the methods below…
Method 1: Update your NVIDIA graphics driver
This error could be caused by a bug related to your graphics card. NVIDIA keeps updating drivers and when it receives bugs usually there would be a fix in the future driver update. When you’re having the ‘A TDR has been detected’ error, we recommend updating your NVIDIA graphics card driver to the latest version.
Whether you choose to update the device drivers manually, using Windows Update, or you use a trusted third party product, it’s essential that you have the latest correct device drivers for your operating system at all times. If you’re not comfortable playing with device drivers, we recommend using Driver Easy.
Driver Easy will automatically recognize your system and find the correct drivers for it. You don’t need to know exactly what system your computer is running, you don’t need to risk downloading and installing the wrong driver, and you don’t need to worry about making a mistake when installing.
Here’s how you can do it:
1) Download and install Driver Easy.
2) Run Driver Easy and click the Scan Now button. Driver Easy will then scan your computer and detect any problem drivers.
3) Click Update All to automatically download and install the correct version of all the drivers that are missing or out of date on your system. (This requires the Pro version which comes with full support and a 30-day money-back guarantee. You’ll be prompted to upgrade when you click Update All.) Note: You can also do it for free if you like, but it’s partly manual.
Once you update your graphics card driver, try to open your game application or Illustration to see if the error disappears.
Method 2: Change the timeout of your NVIDIA graphics card
Another method to fix the ‘A TDR has been detected’ error is to increase the timeout of your graphics device.
See how to do it:
1) Exit all the running apps and programs on your Windows system.
2) On your keyboard, hold down the Windows logo key then press R to bring up the Run box.
3) Type regedit.exe and click OK.

5) Go to the following registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control > GraphicsDrivers
6) Right-click on GraphicsDrivers to select Export. (It’s to back up the GraphicsDrivers registry key in case any wrong happen during our next change to it.)
7) Proceed to select a backup folder and name the backup file.
8) Once you complete to backup, back to the Registry Editor window, click GraphicsDrivers, then right-click on the Edit pane of GraphicsDrivers to select New.
If your Windows system type is 64-bit based, click QWORD (64-bit) Value.
If your Windows system type is 32-bit based, click DWORD (32-bit) Value.
9) Set the name to TdrDelay and press Enter.
10) Double-click TdrDelay. Then set its Value data to 8 and click OK.
Once you do, close the Registry Editor window, then try to open your game application or Illustration to see if the error disappears.
Hopefully, this article helps you. Feel free to comment below with your own experiences and share it with your friends if they’re having the same problem.