Clean system install may cause some hardware and devices fail to work properly, because their drivers might be removed or corrupted in fresh system. After you perform a clean install of Windows 7, if you find some certain devices don’t work well, check for their driver status in Device Manager. If the drivers are having problem, in Device Manager, you will see a yellow mark next to the device name. To solve the problem, update their drivers. In this article, you will learn how to update drivers for your devices in Windows 7. 

After a clean install, in Device Manager, you may see some devices have yellow mark next to them like this:

There are 4 ways you can use to update drivers for your devices in Windows 7. Choose one way depending on your case. 

Way 1: Use Windows Update

You can use Windows Update to check for updates and see if there are driver updates available. Windows Update will be turned on by default after a clean install, so the important updates recommended by Windows will be installed automatically, but you can manually install the updates you want. (Note that It is possible that Windows cannot find driver updates you need.)

Follow these steps to use Windows Update to update drivers. 

1. Type “update” in search box inside of Start menu, in the list of results, click Windows Update. This is to open Windows Update window. 

2. In left pane, click Check for updates.

After that, it will take a while for Windows to check for updates.

3. Driver updates can be available in important updates or optional updates. Click on each of them to check for updates. 

4. On Select the updates you want to install page, select the check box next to the driver updates that you want to install and click OK button.

5. On Windows Update page, click Install updates button, then follow the on-screen instructions to install the updates.

6. If you are required to restart your PC, restart it so the changes can take effect. 

Way 2: Use the Disk that Came with Your Device

If you have a disk that came with your PC or device, you can use it to install drivers. But in this way, you cannot install the most recent driver as device manufacturers always update their drivers in order to fix bugs and add new features.

Way 3: Install Most Recent Drivers from Website of Manufacturers

If using Windows Update and disk came with the device don’t work for you, go to your computer manufacturer’s website or device manufacturer’s website to download the drivers. Drivers are always available in the Support section of the website. To download appropriate drivers, you need to get the device model name and specific operating system version (Windows 7 32-bit or Windows 7 64-bit). In this way, you can install the most recent drivers. 

Way 4: Use Driver Easy to Update Drivers Automatically

If you have problem updating drivers manually or not sure what drivers you should install, you can use Driver Easy to help you. Driver Easy is a driver update tool which will help update drivers automatically. With it, driver can be updated in 2 simple steps.

Step 1: Click Scan Now button. Then Driver Easy will fast scan your computer to detect all problem drivers in your computer and give a list of new drivers.

Step 2: Click Update button to download the driver you wish to update.

After download completes, if you are not sure how to install the drivers manually, you can click Update Drivers with Free Version and refer steps there.

The download speed of Free version is limited. If you want to save more time updating drivers, you can consider using the Professional version. With Professional version, you will get higher download speed. Moreover, you can finish all updates by just clicking Update All button. No further steps are needed. Driver Easy provides 30-day money back guarantee. You can ask for a full refund if you want. 

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