Software Knowledge

Driver Easy updates all your missing drivers with just 1 click. It saves you from unpleasant experience of searching and downloading device driver manually.

If you meet one of these scan errors, try the recommended solutions. Scan Error 1: The remote name could not be resolved: ‘’ The error may appear like this: Make sure that you can have access to internet and the network works well, then try again. Scan Error 2: Unable to connect to the remote […]

To run Driver Easy successfully on Windows, your system requires to have right version of .net framework installed. If your system has no .net framework installed or has the wrong version installed, error “DriverEasy has stopped working” would occur. In this case, Driver Easy won’t run successfully. If you meet this error, install the right version of .net framework. After […]

If you meet error “” during scanning, follow instructions below to try resolving the problem.  The error may appear like this: Follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue: Step1 : Open IE browser and check if it can be connected to internet. If it can be connected to internet, please do ping test then send the […]

You are required to have access to internet if you want to run Driver Easy. If not, you will  meet issue “The remote name could not be resolved”. When you meet this issue, please open browser like Chrome to check if you can surf normally. If you can be connected to internet and meet this problem, […]